Thirteen new teaching materials for music students of new master and modernized bachelor and master study programs at national HMEIs have been developed by P1-P3 teachers with active steering by their colleagues from EU partners, and made available. These include contributions to the new electives in the reformed study programs, such as Basics of the project planning and music entrepreneurship and Basics of digital literacy for musicians, developed and introduced at the Faculty of Music in Belgrade (P1) at BA level of studies, as well as Music education in digital environment and Digital notography, developed and introduced by the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad (P2) and the Faculty of Philology and Arts in Kragujevac (P3) respectively, both for modernized MA study programs. Additionally, teaching materials were developed for modernized courses, such as Music recording technology (online course) at P1, and Music entrepreneurship at P3, updated by introduction of project related subjects, perspectives, knowledge and skills.
Following development, accreditation and implementation of the two new master programs at P1 - Music Direction and PRIMA (Applied music research), owing to their innovative and topical curricula, there was even greater need for the development of complementary teaching materials for these study programs. For that reason, seven handbooks, manuals, tutorials and other teaching materials were designed and offered for courses such as Digital methods in music research and music databases, Mastering and final formats, Audio editing and restoration of recordings, Music production software and Music direction 1&2.
The format of these teaching and learning materials is diverse, ranging from student workbooks, manuals for learning and exam preparation, video tutorials, to e- and printed textbooks. All items, developed in the frame of the WP 3.3, are fully available to students of the chosen courses/study programs. The list is available below, with links to complete work or excerpts.
- Ivana Ilić: Tehnička priprema tekstualnog dokumenta [Technical preparation of the text document], student manual for the subject Basics of digital literacy for musicians
- Ivana Perković, Teodora Ilić (eds.): Osnove planiranja projekata i muzičkog preduzetništva [Basics of project planning and music entrepreneurship], student workbook for exam preparation (also available to students through e-Learning platform)
- Marko Stojanović: Tehnologija snimanja muzike [Music recording technology], video tutorials
- Ira Prodanov, Nataša Crnjanski, Milan Milojković: Muzičko obrazovanje u digitalnom okruženju [Music education in digital environment], textbook (e-book and printed)
- Duško Marić: Osnove muzičkog preduzetništva [Basics of music entrepreneurship], e-textbook
- Vladimir Trmčić: Kompjuterska notografija [Digital notography], student manual
- Filip Pantelić: Digitalne metode u istraživanjima muzike i podataka vezanih za muziku [Digital methods in music research and music databases], student manual
- Ivana Perković, Ivana Miladinović Prica: Digitalne metode u istraživanjima muzike i podataka vezanih za muziku: digitalne anotacije, zapisi i baze podataka [Digital methods in music research and music databases: digital annotations, records and databases] (also available to students through e-Learning platform)
- Ivan Uzelac: Mastering i finalni formati [Mastering and final formats], student manual
- Ivan Uzelac: Obrada i restauracija snimaka [Audio editing and restoration of recordings], student manual
- Ivan Uzelac: Softver za produkciju muzike [Music production software], student manual
- Marko Stojanović: Muzička režija 2 [Music direction 2], student manual
- Marko Stojanović: Mikrofoni [Microphones], ppt presentation for the course Music direction 1