The new digital laboratory is successfully installed and adequate digital infrastructure developed at P1’s Faculty of Music in Belgrade.
The laboratory is equipped with new computers with hardware, MIDI keyboards and music software estimated as essential for introducing new
digital and entrepreneurial knowledge and skills to music study programs based on conclusions of realized study visits to EU partners, study of
needs of national HEIs and dialogue with stakeholders.
The equipment is obtained through Public procurement and Tendering procedure called by project coordinator, University of Arts in Belgrade,
and realized in July and November 2019. Two other national HEIs – Academy of Arts of the University of Novi Sad and Faculty of Philology
and Arts of the University of Kragujevac, have upgraded their tone studios and digital laboratories with procured equipment.
The purchase and installation of new equipment at P1-P3 successfully wraps activities 2.2-2.5 in WP2 Upgrading of methodology.