Application for accreditation of new master study program Music Direction at the Faculty of Music of the University of Arts in Belgrade (P1) is submitted to the National Entity for Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education, following adoption by relevant institutional bodies and University of Arts in Belgrade Senate on January 30th 2020.
Music Direction master program, one of the two new master programs being introduced at P1 through the DEMUSIS project, aims at shaping music professionals skilled in diverse creative processes in music direction. The learning outcomes cover development of practical skills (such as using contemporary technologies in music recording, production, editing and direction), theoretical knowledge (such as understanding of music repertoire and material, musical styles and performance), as well as general competencies (such as development of psychological understanding, critical thinking and communication skills).
Entry prerequisites include completed bachelor music studies in music performance or music research.
The submission of the application for accreditation of Music Direction master study program is final part of WP1 Preparation and Analysis, with the outcome WP 1.5 New study programs designed and accredited.