Open online student consultations via Zoom regarding the entrance exam for Music Direction

Open online student consultations via Zoom regarding the entrance exam for Music Direction master study program developed within Demusis project, will be held on Tuesday, September 8 2020, at 7 pm. Zoom meeting details:

Topic: Muzička režija (Music Direction)
Time: Sep 8, 2020 07:00 PM Belgrade, Bratislava, Ljubljana
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 596 261 2890
Free access (no password required)

More on the structure of study program, with lists of compulsory courses and electives, can be found here (in Serbian).

Details of the prerequisites for study and entrance exam can be found in Faculty of Music Entrance Exam Informer for Master, Specialized and PhD studies available here (in Serbian)

Music Direction 1080x1080 za sajt

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