DEMUSIS project Technical Implementation Report, marking the first reporting period was submitted on 31/07/20. The Technical Implementation Report consisted of completed Technical Report e-form, with accompanying annexes and attachments filled in and dully signed: Budget table, Declaration of honour, Table of achieved/planned results, Dissemination and Exploitation Plan, Quality Assurance Plan with External evaluator’s interim report, and signed Request for 2nd Prefinancing.
The DEMUSIS project was launched in January 2019 with the Progress Report submission due in July 2020. Nevertheless, the plans were made and adopted by the Project Management Board at the annual meeting in December 2019 to submit the Report in Spring 2020, given the realized activities and outcomes and expenditure of the budget. However, the Covid-19 outbreak in Serbia and EU with subsequent measures to control the disease have suspended the majority of the project activities, impeding project management and administration as well. The postponement of the ultimate deadline was requested therefore, due to the amount of time necessary for compiling the adequate documentation from all the partners, and granted by EACEA on 29/04/20, with the new deadline set to 1 September 2020.