Teacher training for curricular changes and LLL courses at national academic partner institutions (P1-P3) was implemented in an online format on 21-22 December 2020 by teachers from the New Bulgarian University (P5). Twenty-one teacher and member of non-teaching staff from the Serbian HMEIs was trained – 14 from the Faculty of Music, University of Arts in Belgrade (P1), 4 from the Academy of Arts, University in Novi Sad (P2) and 3 from the Faculty of Philology and Arts, University of Kragujevac (P3). The training, led by ten teachers from Bulgarian partner institution (Simo Lazarov, Emil Traichev, Natalia Afeyan, Ana Lincheva, Simeon Simeonov, Milena Shushulova-Pavlova, Pavlina Velichkova, Yavor Konov, Georgi Petkov, Margarita Krsteva-Stoichevska), covered topics related to main project thematic fields: digital competencies including distance music teaching methods, music teaching using Moodle platform and distance learning with examples and good practices, music entrepreneurship and music in society, including rising awareness of the role and visibility of professional musicians in society and social commitment of musicians.
Initially, the live teacher training was planned for Spring 2020, as a study visit of 12 teachers from Serbia to Sofia, and cancelled in the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic. Therefore, in the view of ongoing travel restrictions and measures of social distancing, the teacher training was organized and realized in an online format. The rare positive effect of COVID-19 lockdown was therefore the possibility for participation in the training for the greater number of teachers than initially planned, due to the online format of the event (21 instead of 12).
Each topic presented by NBU teachers was followed by a Q & A discussion session. Two weeks in January 2021 were reserved for individual or consultations in small groups and specific training, as well as follow-up actions. New circumstances imposed by COVID-19 epidemic restrictions, brought topics related to digital competencies and knowledge more to the forefront, particularly those related to distance teaching and learning. The details of the agenda, and particular topics of the training were constructed based on the results of the questionnaire within the Call for P1-P3 teachers interested in taking part in the training, so that the training would better ask their present needs.
On the first day of training (December 21st, 2020) Simo Lazarov and Emil Traichev talked with Serbian colleagues how to make a recording and mixing of a good quality in home studio during lockdown, Yavor Konov shared his experience with teaching theory of music online, Pavlina Velichkova presented the possibilities of using Moodle platform for online competitions on the example of such a competition Theory of Musical Element organized by NBU in the fall semester 2020/21. Finally, Milena Shushulova-Pavlova offered an insight on the model of classical music production in the context of contemporary electronic media.
The second day of the training, December 22nd 2020, was focused on various types of music performance (singing, stage music, ethnochoreology, choral music) and its elements (teaching, rehearsing) in an online environment and under lockdown conditions. Thus, Natalia Afeyan demonstrated one online classical vocal class with student’s participation, Ana Lincheva and Simeon Simeonov presented the complete process of online study, analysis, preparation, rehearsals and performance of the children musical “Wolf and the seven little goats” by NBU students during the spring semesters 2019/20, Georgi Petkov discussed teaching opportunities and choral rehearsals using Moodle platform, while Margarita Krsteva-Stoichevska explored its potentials in general music education and particularly, dance and ethnochoreology courses.
Online Teacher Training at New Bulgarian University Agenda available here.