In the scope of WP1 – Preparation and Analysis, MusiQuE review team, composed of distinguished international specialists particularly for the purpose of P1 external quality enhancement review, visited the Faculty of Music of the University of Arts in Belgrade (P1), from 27th to 30th October 2019. The 2.5 days site-visit was conducted as a part of the MusiQuE quality enhancement institutional review during which the 5 members review team met members of the Faculty of Music deanery and management team, representatives of academic and institutional bodies, teachers and administrative staff, as well as students, alumni, stakeholders and representatives of the profession.
‘MusiQuE – Music Quality Enhancement’ – an independent European-level external evaluation body which has the aim to assist higher music education institutions in their own enhancement of quality and to improve the quality of higher music education across Europe and beyond, conducted a review of P1 as the only institution introducing new study programme through DEMUSIS project, and the institution with most prominent international orientation.
The MusiQuE review team site-visit drew a great deal of interest among the Faculty of Music staff, willing to provide information and insight in the FoM organization, activities and good practices in an open and friendly atmosphere of the meetings.
The review team members, composed also visited a number of classes and attended two concerts (Concert announcement.pdf) of the Faculty of Music’s students in the Faculty’s Great hall (programs available here – concert programs.docx).
Complete agenda of the MusiQuE review site-visit can be found here (2019.10.25 site-visit schedule_ Belgrade_FINAL.pdf)
The site-visit was preceded by submission of the analytical Self-evaluation report of P1 in September 2019, while P2 and P3 conducted their own internal assessment following MusiQuE standards for institutional review.
The next steps of the MusiQuE Quality enhancement review of P1 will include first draft of the MusiQuE review team report by 25th December 2019, and the final report, with tailor-made recommendations for the further development of the institution and/or elements to be worked on during the project, publicly available in spring 2020.